2011: Gardening Resolutions

We've compiled the gardening resolutions of our Facebook fans and Twitter friends to start off the 2011 New Year as better gardeners. Here's the list.

There's nothing quite like growers and gardeners uniting in one common goal: a grand list of New Year's resolutions for their plants, trees and gardens! With many thanks to our contributing Facebook fans and Twitter friends, we've compiled their resolutions to start off the New Year – as better gardeners and growers.  Don't get in the dirt before you read these, because  I'm sure you'll find something here that's either already on your personal list or may soon end up there. Enjoy the 2011 edition of The Growers New Year's Resolutions! — Meg C. Photo of trowel next to garden gloves

As a gardener/grower, I resolve to:

1. Follow an organic management program for my home orchard so I will finally get FRUIT!

- Amanda W.

2. Finally get that dwarf sweet cherry tree that I've been putting off, and regretting, for three seasons now.

- Kimberly R.

3. Remove the entire weed out when it breaks off ... not just wait for it to grow again, so I can pull the second time!

- C. Misty S.

4.10 black Walnut trees (probably mid-spring) 'cause I wanna be nutty!

- Victoria H.

5. Have as much fruit from my garden by 2012 as I did veggies this year.  (Technically enough for us, although we bought some at the store anyway for variety.)

- Bonnie S.

6. Teach the neighborhood kids, who have barely seen a plant beside cannas and grass, how to grow their own food.  Then different ways to cook it.  And blog about it.

- Bridget F., aka @SgtHotpants

7. Try to get a head start on the bugs before they take over, and plant more veggies than I did last year, as well as some more fruit trees.

- Cecelia M.

8. Expand my veggie bed or use more containers to increase the kinds of veggies I grow. And I'm going to net the cherry tree so I get some cherries, not the birds or deer!!!

- Mary Ellen M.

9. Turn the compost every week.

- Jennifer W.

10. Get my Edible Landscaping done this spring because time flies! and in 5 years I want the perfect berry patches.

- Arlena S., aka @greenblessings

11. Keep ahead of the weeds in the herb garden and learn how to cut and dry them before they go to seed!  I also would like to finish the miniature orchard with the pear trees!  I have everything except those!

- Anita C-B.

12. Find an absolute natural way of getting rid of peach tree borers.

- Maureen H.

13. Put more attention to my sweetheart queen!  Same gardening - less other stuff!

Josef B., aka @SpadesJoe

14. Put the plants where they want to grow.

- Diane M.

15. Plant more herbs and berry bushes.

- Debbie M.

16. Share how good sustainable food choices can be more affordable in part by planting a home kitchen herb and veggie garden.

- Debra H., aka @vagablonde515

17. Make sure I do a good job scouting for problems on a regular basis.

- Denise S.

18. Pull fresh weeds almost every day (have in the past let them go way too long).

- Nancy H.

19. Put in 1+ new garden bed(s) according to my grand garden plan.  I will also put in 1+ garden path per that same plan. Baby steps toward a grand (lifetime) plan!

- Robin K.

20. Donate extra harvest to my local food pantry.

- Jenn R.

21. Not do any more garden heroics.  I will give a plant a fair chance.  If it continues to struggle, it's gone.

Kylee B., aka @OurLittleAcre

22. Grow more of the veggies that my family and friends love to eat.

- Lauri E.

23. Grow a bigger garden then ever !  I can't wait !!! My fresh salsa was wonderful and easy.  Can't wait to plant Knock Out Roses !!!!

- Patricia B.

24. Clean up my herb garden.

- Bunky M.

25. Build new tomato cages and bean/pea fences with reinforcing wire.  Plant 2 more apple trees and possibly 2 pears.  Prune my two 40+ yr apple trees - and try to learn to get down a good treatment schedule for them next year.

- Peggy Y.

26. Not cringe as much when I see a yard full of bagged leaves going to a landfill instead of my compost pile!

- Scott H.

27. Learn more botanical latin so I stop making names up! Pachynovia fussiflora, anyone?

- Jenny P., aka @MulchMaven

28. Thin seedlings better and more often.

- Rebecca R.

29. Be proactive on preventing Japanese beetles.

- Patrick H.

30. Plan my color veggie garden color under ground & on top : ) Oh, YA spreading the word about Moo Poo Tea!

- Annie H., aka @GreenSoil

31. Actually have a garden this year!  Didn't have one in 2010.  We'll punch it up a bit & say, "Grow more of my own food, share bounty with others."

- Christa H., aka @tinkhanson

32. Plant a fruit I have never grown before and try at least 5 new varieties of vegetables or flowers this summer.

- Susan G.

33. Plant some apple trees, plum trees, peach trees.

- Beth S.

34. Mulch more, water less.  Drip irrigation!

- Chris VanC., aka @RedneckRosarian

35. Get ready to beautify the yard and plan this next year's garden/landscaping!

- Brooke M-K.

What are your gardening resolutions this year?