Watch the butterflies and hummingbirds will flock to your garden! They’ll absolutely feast on the sweet nectar of this easy-to-grow, heirloom perennial. Often called swamp milkweed, this species grows best in moist or wet soils, such as near a pond or stream, but the loosely-clumped plants also grow well in a garden with regular watering. Decorative seed pods are beautiful in dried arrangements. Soak seeds overnight to aid germination. Deer-resistant. Caution: The milky sap may cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
- Type: Hardy perennial in Zones 3-6
- Days to germinate: 14-28
- Days to maturity: 90-100
- Sun/shade: Full sun
- Start indoors: 6-8 weeks before last frost. Plant ¼” deep in sterile planting medium.
- Direct-sow outdoors: 2-4 weeks before last frost or in fall for spring germination
- Planting depth: 1/4” deep
- Spacing: 3 seeds every 24”; when plants reach 2”, thin to one plant every 24”
- Mature plant height: 36”-60” tall
- Suitable for container growing: No
- Year of discovery: Ancient; origin unknown