Nut Trees: How Many Years Until Harvest?

Nut trees are multi-purpose additions to the landscape. If you wonder how much time nut trees need to mature before you harvest nuts, we have your answer.

Providing shade, which is helpful in cutting cooling costs, increasing property value and, of course, they yielding edible nuts. Many nut trees also continue to bear for decades, so the fruits of your labor can be enjoyed for generations.

However, one of the most common reasons people give for not considering nut trees as part of their edible landscape is time. Many nut trees bear within a few years after planting, but some do take longer. If you're wondering how much time your tree will need to mature before you should expect to harvest nuts, we have your answer.

We've broken it down by nut tree type for your convenience. Whether the tree you are planting is a seedling or a grafted tree is also a determining factor in how many years it takes to harvest your first nut crops. Take a look.

Stark Bro’s Nut Trees – Years Until Harvest

Stark Bro's Nut Trees are 1-2 years old when shipped. "Years Until Harvest" begins counting after the trees are transplanted into your growing space.

Nut Tree TypesYears Until Harvest
Almond Trees2-4 years
Black Walnut Trees (Grafted)4-5 years
Black Walnut Trees (Seedling)4-7 years
Butternut Trees2-3 years
Chestnut Trees3-5 years
English Walnut Trees (Grafted)4-5 years
English Walnut Trees (Seedling)4-7 years
Filbert-Hazelnut Trees6-8+ years
Heartnut Trees (Grafted)3-6 years
Heartnut Trees (Seedling)3-5+ years
Hickory Nut Trees8-10 years
Pecan Trees (Grafted)4-8 years
Pecan Trees (Seedling)10+ years

Note: The years until harvest mentioned above are an average. Some nut trees bear sooner. Weather and climate may cause some nut trees to bear later. If you are concerned that your nut trees are not bearing at all, check out this blog post on blooming and bearing problems since similar issues can affect nut trees.
-We also recommend contacting your local county cooperative extension for more local advice.

Colby pecan tree with nuts

Walnut trees, butternut trees, and heartnut trees are ideal if your goal for growing nut trees is receiving a relatively quick yield. Pecan trees and filbert-hazelnut trees may take a bit longer to bear, but anyone who has eaten these nuts from the grocery store knows that they're incredibly tasty and worth the wait. In the meantime, you have all the benefits of an attractive landscape tree.

Required Space

Keep in mind, most nut trees take up a bit of space as they mature. If you have the space, then larger and more stately nut trees are a great addition to your landscape.

If you don't have room, but still want to grow your own nuts, don't despair! Filbert-hazelnut trees average under 20 feet when mature and can be pruned to maintain a manageable size. Almond trees in particular, which thrive where most peach trees grow, are relatively small in mature size (averaging 15 feet in height), and are even a good option to consider growing in containers. As an added bonus, almond trees are some of the most precocious (early-bearing) nut trees you will find!

Grow Your Own Nut Trees