A colorful potato harvest! Save money and grow a bounty of potatoes that you won’t find in most grocery stores. The flavor and appearance of these varieties will fascinate kids and adults alike. Each collection contains five certified seed potato varieties: 1 lb. each of Yukon Gold, Yukon Gem, Chieftain, Adirondack Blue and Adirondack Red.
- Available for spring shipping only.
- Last day to order seed potatoes is May 9
- Seed potatoes will ship separately from the rest of your order. In the best interest of the plants, seed potatoes begin shipping on February 8 to the warmer parts of the country. Shipping will continue through Early June for colder parts of the country.
Tools & Supplies
Having the proper tools and supplies when growing your own can make the difference between a good harvest and a great harvest! Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety.
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