French Breakfast Radish Seed

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Very attractive, elongated gourmet variety. Mild, spicy bite with a scarlet top and a white bottom. The French consider radishes to be a toxin-eliminator, and suggest eating radishes for breakfast after a rich dinner or too much wine the night before. Pick when the radishes are 1” across; any larger than that, and they will be bitter and pithy. Superb in salads and shredded into coleslaw. Try them sautéed for a different side dish! Tolerant of heat and drought, but prefer cool spring temperatures. Easy to grow — perfect for introducing children to gardening. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed.

  • Days to germinate: 4-12
  • Days to maturity: 25
  • Start indoors: Not necessary because of the radish’s growth rate.
  • Sow outdoors after last frost.
  • Seed spacing: 4”
  • Seed depth: ½”
  • Produce size: 1 oz.
  • Yield: One radish per plant
  • Mature plant height: 6”
  • Suitable for container growing: Yes
  • Year of discovery: 1879

Tools & Supplies

Having the proper tools and supplies when growing your own can make the difference between a good harvest and a great harvest! Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety.

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