Rocky Top Lettuce Mix Seed

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A Baker Creek best-seller. A custom blend of brightly colored and unique lettuces makes flavorful, brilliant salads. The mix includes some non-listed rare varieties along with delicious greens like Merveille des Quartre Saison (a big ruffled bronzed butterhead) to Amish Deer Tongue (a smooth, bright-green pointed leaf lettuce), to Baseball, a tight-headed baby Boston lettuce. Responds well to “cut-and-come-again” harvesting. Ideal for microgreens. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed.

  • Days to germinate: 7-10
  • Days to maturity: 35-45 days
  • Start indoors 3-5 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/8” deep in sterile planting medium.
  • Transplant spacing: 6”
  • Sow outdoors after the last spring frost
  • Seed spacing: 1”, then thin seedlings to 6” apart
  • Seed depth: 1/8”; barely cover with soil and keep moist
  • Produce size: Variable, from baby lettuces to full heads
  • Yield: Essentially perpetual, because it reseeds itself if left to bolt.
  • Mature plant height: 12”
  • Suitable for container growing: Yes

Tools & Supplies

Having the proper tools and supplies when growing your own can make the difference between a good harvest and a great harvest! Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety.

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