Victory Gardens

It’s no secret that Stark Bro’s has a rich history in the gardening community. As the oldest continually operating nursery in the country, we’ve spent two centuries helping families cultivate their legacies in the garden. Our commitment to your success runs even deeper than just providing you with healthy, thriving plants… we’re also committed to the rising movement in our country to get back to the garden.

We’ve played a pivotal role in that movement since it began in the 1940’s:

Paul C. Stark Sr. was called away from Louisiana, Mo to Washington DC during World War II to serve in creating and overseeing one of America’s most successful wartime efforts: The Victory Garden program. Over 63 million Americans committed to helping ease strain on the commercial systems of food production to support our soldiers and allies, and to also save money for their own families.

“For example in World War II, the victory garden program for home food production and home food preservation proved to be one of the most successful war programs. A national poll showed that 63 million people worked in victory gardens that year and produced a large percent of the much-needed fresh vegetables and fruits for civilians and war workers while allowing adequate commercial supplies to go to the Armed Forces and to our allies.
They helped guide many inexperienced victory gardeners to follow proven successful methods of planting and producing homegrown food.” - Paul C. Stark Sr.’s 1968 address before the Ninetieth Congress.

Today, our country continues to rediscover the benefits of Victory Gardens, embracing backyard food production to save money, enjoy the health benefits of fresh produce, and promote sustainable living and self-sufficiency.

We’re so thankful for the opportunity to continue the tradition empowering Americans to successfully harvest their own food. Finding a community support system will only make growing more rewarding! Join us on Facebook or Instagram for tips, support, and a community of like-minded gardeners.