Like big red rubies in a bowl. We’ve paired Ozark Beauty (one of our best-selling strawberries) and Sparkle (a great-tasting heirloom beauty) to bring you crops of strawberries so good you’ll never get store-bought again. Our customer love the everbearing Ozark Beauty for its heavy production, ample size and great flavor. June-bearing Sparkle is also high on the list for its sweetness and intense strawberry taste. You’ll have wonderful strawberries from late June until frost!
Save money and get a bigger harvest when you buy the Crown Jewel Strawberry Plant Collection. While all strawberries are self-pollinating, the presence of a different variety nearby will give you an abundance of flowers and more/bigger berries from each plant. Plus, you’ll get a discounted price when purchasing a collection compared to purchasing the plants individually.
Tools & Supplies
Planting & Care
Learn all about how to grow strawberry plants in The Growing Guide. An entire section of our website dedicated to your growing success.